California Genealogical Society: Blog

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04 February 2019

Speakers' Bureau Revived

CGS member Ron Madson is knowledgeable about
computers, organization, and other topics
Rumor has it that CGS used to have a Speakers’ Bureau. Well, that tradition has been revived by members of the Development & Member Services and Events committees. This recently reconstituted committee brings together several functions of the society including development, membership (data entry), volunteers and outreach. As part of our Outreach responsibilities we felt it would be helpful to have a database of speakers and topics. We created a spreadsheet that lists seventy-five different topics that are offered by fifty-two different speakers. Most speakers are members of the society who give these talks at no charge. A few are professionals and typically ask for a modest honorarium.

The spreadsheet is organized by topic. We have speakers available to discuss Chinese, Norwegian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Jewish genealogy, among many others. Multiple speakers are qualified to discuss adoption and DNA, and how to use various tech tools.

If you hear about an organization that is looking for speakers on genealogy, please know that that is part of our Outreach program and that we have people available who enjoy giving talks on a broad range of topics. You can request a speaker from the Development & Members Services Committee at

If you have a topic that you feel qualified to speak on and would like to have your name added to the spreadsheet you should contact the Development & Members Services Committee. Tell us your name, the topics you feel qualified to speak on, availability limitations, and a little information about your public speaking experience.

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