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15 September 2018

California Nugget is here!

The California Nugget, Vol. X, Issue 1

Our latest Nugget is out, with a poignant cover story by Stewart Blandòn Traiman. "Geraldine, Who Are You?" describes how Traiman's research into his adopted son's birth family uncovered a multi-generational history of child abandonment. The magazine also includes Darcie Hind Posz's article about chasing probate records across two countries and the Territory of Hawaii; Ellen Fernandez-Sacco's exploration of her family's ties to slavery in Puerto Rico; and Part 3 of Lavinia Schwarz's study on "Reading Records Right." Richard Rands has contributed an article on managing genealogical data with 21st century technology.

And yes, this is the "Spring 2018" issue. Due to a number of snags, we fell behind in our publication schedule this year. We will catch up with a third, "Fall 2018" issue, published before the end of the year, and resume the regular Spring/Fall schedule in 2019.

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