California Genealogical Society: Blog

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19 September 2018

2018 Strategic Plan Status Report

Strategic Planning Committee Co-Chair Stewart Traiman
explains the changes to the proposed Member Interest
Database at the board meeting
The draft 2018 Strategic Plan was discussed at the September 8 CGS board meeting. Board members and guests asked questions and offered comments during a vigorous discussion. Comments have been incorporated and an updated draft has been posted on the CGS website. To view the draft, log into the website, and click on the Membership pull-down menu to access the document. Track Changes was used to show all edits in red text.

Board members Felicia Addison and Arlene Miles listen
attentively. Jane Lindsey in the background is a member
of the Strategic Planning Committee. CGS Todd Armstrong
attended the board meeting.
Substantial changes have been introduced to the Assessment of the Society section, the proposal to create a Member Interest Database, and to the proposed Wild Apricot Priority Project. The organization chart has been completed overhauled and the name was changed to Communications Structure Chart.

Next step is to take this draft back to the volunteers who serve on each CGS committee. The board will continue discussion of the plan at the next board meeting on October 13, and will present the Strategic Plan to the membership at the membership meeting later that day.

Communications Structure Chart created by co-chair Stewart Traiman

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