California Genealogical Society: Blog

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22 December 2017

A Few Good Volunteers

Dear Friends of CGS,

We have a great line-up of events and classes for 2018, but running a business such as ours takes many volunteers. It’s hard to imagine that a non-profit organization with roughly 1,000 members operates with no paid staff. 

I appreciate all of you who donated to the Annual Appeal and to the Capital Campaign. But we also need volunteers to help keep things running smoothly. All of our committees can use some additional help. Please contact Kathleen Beitiks if you would like to volunteer. 

Happy Holidays, 
Linda Okazaki

The following volunteer positions are vacant:

·  Catalog Librarian: Volunteer needed to enter data into WorldCat and to assist in evaluating our current holdings. Knowledge of Library of Congress cataloging and experience with WorldCat required. Reports to the Library Director.

· Digital Historian: Volunteer needed to organize, digitize, and preserve our records, both current and historical. Reports to the president.

·  Field Trip Coordinator: Volunteer needed to plan fieldtrips to locations relevant to genealogical research such as the David Rumsey Collection at Stanford or the Society of California Pioneers. Reports to the Events Chair.

· Off-site Event Coordinator: Plan and execute large scale events such as Ancestry Day or NEHGS Comes West, or work with big-name speakers such as Cyndi Ingle, Judy Russell, and Blaine Bettinger. Experience running large events needed. Reports to the Events Chair. Works closely with the Technology and Marketing teams.

· Social Media Coordinator: Volunteer needed to plan and execute our Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram accounts. Reports to the Publications Chair and/or Marketing Chair. Prior experience not necessary, but familiarity with social media is helpful.

The following committee chair positions are vacant. Please contact Linda Okazaki if you are interested or have a recommendation:

· Marketing Chair: Coordinate and execute activities which promote our organization and events. Overlaps with most other committees. Prior marketing experience a plus. 

·  Outreach Chair: Plan and execute events and activities which benefit both CGS and the community at large, such as classes at Senior Centers or having representation at events like the Aloha Festival or Ancestry day. Develop and maintain relationships with other organizations such as the California Mayflower Society, the Daughters of the American Revolution. Overlaps with Development, Fundraising, and Membership.

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