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24 October 2017

Celebrating the Past and the Future: 2018 Genealogy Events and Education Plans

by Maureen Hanlon

Our 120th Anniversary in 2018 is a great milestone --- we’ve planned a number of events and classes to both delve into our heritage and leverage the science that allows us to understand that past even better.  

Currently,  we are scheduling our five part Records Series and four part Skills Series. Your suggestions are most welcome for ideas on classes and events as we continue planning for 2018 continues. Come to our January 13th Annual Member Meeting and Birthday Party to hear more details and enjoy a talk about ancestors.
NOTE:  Our free Introduction to Genealogy on the first Saturday and the popular San Francisco Special Interest Group and Family Tree Special Interest Group will continue meeting on the third Saturdays. 

DNA will be a major focus as we have engaged Blaine Bettinger, The Genetic Genealogist, to come for an amazing event on March 3rd.  Get ready for Blaine's event by attending Pam Miller's previously held three foundation lectures on the major DNA tests, Ancestry, FamilyTree and 23 and Me on January 27th, February 3rd and 10th, respectively.  

Then check our schedule for a talk by Eva Goodwin from Ancestry to be held later in the year on DNA, Adoptions and Unknown Parents. We will also continue the monthly first Saturday meetings of an ongoing DNA study group for those who have completed the foundation series. 

Our fortune and that of our ancestors lies in California’s rich geography. We’ve scheduled the popular Melinda Kashuba, author of Walking with Your Ancestors: a Genealogist’s Guide to Using Maps and Geography for April 14th. 

We’re also celebrating the diversity of our state and its early settlers with a Chinese Ancestry Day in May, which is Asian American and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month. Grant Din, Marisa Louie Lee and others will talk, plus we are exploring a tour of Angel Island. Look for Stewart Traiman's class that will share insights and strategies for Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transgender (LGBT) genealogy on June 23rd.
The online CGS Irish Ancestry Network will hold its second anniversary get-together on March 24th with an informal meet-up and an afternoon lecture by Cath Trindle on Irish Townlands. 

Trips and Tours
In addition to our annual Salt Lake City Research trip being held April 22nd-29thJane Lindsey will lead a trip for intermediate genealogists in August to the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne Indiana, home of the most extensive genealogy periodical collection.  We also have plans in the works to visit Sutro Library and events with The California Historical Society.  

Updates, more information and registration links will be published on our EventBrite page at least two months prior to the events.

It's going to be a wonderful year of genealogy and celebration at The California Genealogical Society.  We hope you'll be a part of the magic!

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