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28 August 2017

Why I Donated to the Capital Campaign: Ken Haughton

Ken and Beverly Haughton

Our third in a series of blog posts entitled, Why I Chose to Contribute to the Capital Campaign focuses on life member and donor, Ken Haughton.

Ken has given generously of his time and money for over 39 years to California Genealogical Society (CGS).  He was CFO for many years and has served on our board of directors. Ken also started our endowment fund and trained our current Investment Committee members, Chris Pattillo and Jim Sorenson.  He now serves as a sounding board to our investment committee.

Here are a few questions that I asked him on why he chose to financially support our society:

By contributing to the Capital Campaign, what do you hope to accomplish? The economy of the United States is somewhat temperamental.  A slump could affect the income from membership in a negative way.  It is important to keep the organization active and vital, no matter what happens, so that it can continue to preserve all forms of family history for future generations.

You have many organizations to choose from when considering a donation, what made you choose us? Well, history has an effect on history.  I have had many positive interactions with the Society and feel it should continue to perform in that manner with many more folks.

How does donating to CGS extend your personal legacy or the legacy of California Genealogical research? Providing facilities and assistance goes a long way toward extending the legacy of the Society and if it is healthy, this effect is multiplied.

How did CGS' genealogical resources help your research efforts? It's hard to enumerate all the ways it has helped me.  The Library and all of it resources have led me to any number of discoveries.  But most of all, the community associated with it has led me on with questions and suggestions (and general advice).

What would you say to those contemplating a donation to the Capital Campaign? This is an honest and solid society that provides an unbiased look into history on the personal level.  Anything to help this objective is worth the effort.  Besides, it's fun.

The idea behind the Capital Campaign
The California Genealogical Society's Capital Campaign kicked off this past February with a goal of raising $1.2 million dollars. The goal was created to coincide with the beginning of our 120th Anniversary in 2018. 

The money raised from the Capital Campaign will help ensure that our society will remain a leader in genealogy and give us the necessary financial cushion to weather various storms in the future.

A committee chaired by Chris Pattillo was created to lead this effort. Chris also has the considerable help and talent of both Jane Lindsey and Sandy Fryer to ensure that the campaign will be a huge success.

Are you interested in donating to our Capital Campaign?  Please contact Jane Lindsey or Chris Pattillo with any questions.  They would love to hear from you.  Thank you.

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