California Genealogical Society: Blog

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29 November 2016

Lifetime of Genealogy

Did you know that anyone who donates $1000 or more to the California Genealogical Society (CGS) is entitled to a Life Membership? If you’ve been considering a life membership, now is a good time to make the commitment because in January 2017 the cost will increase to $1200.  
Life membership is being promoted to help build our endowment and will sustain the society long-term. Currently, CGS has 49 Life Members – fourteen of whom joined this year. Two of those new Life Members are Chris Pattillo and Diana Wild.
Here’s why they felt now was the right time to finally make the leap and become Life Members:
Jim Robinson, Laura Spurrier, Gloria Hanson & Chris Pattillo
I’ve thought about becoming a life member many times but never gotten around to it. This seemed like the right time. CGS is important to me – I value the resources the library has to offer and all that I learn attending programs, but most importantly I value the friendships and sense of camaraderie here.  After all, where else can I carry on about my family history and know my listener is actually interested?”     

Chris Pattillo

Jane Lindsey, Diana Wild & Alice Kane (NEHGS)
"CGS was a major reason why I got so involved in genealogy.  It was an incubator of sorts - a starting point for my research, a place where I learned new skills, and sustained my enthusiasm. I not only gained knowledge, but also friends, and enjoy sharing what I have learned with newcomers. I have belonged for many years and plan on supporting it for years to come, so becoming a life member just made good sense."   Diana Wild

All life members – new and old will be included in a special tea to be held in January 2017– so please consider upgrading to a Life Membership.

Thank you for helping create a more secure California Genealogical Society now and for the future!

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