California Genealogical Society: Blog

Recent Posts

29 September 2016

“On The Road” Once Again

by Chris Patillo and Jane Lindsey

In 2009-10 CGS offered a series of programs in nearby counties in order to provide services to our members who live a bit further away from the Library. Programs were presented in San Joaquin, Sacramento and Santa Clara counties plus the City of Fremont. 

Our objective was to make it easy for members and guests who live outside Alameda-San Francisco-Contra Costa to have the benefit of the programs that those of us who live near Oakland enjoy regularly. It was also a way for these members to meet others who live nearby who share an interest in genealogy.

We think it is time for round two and would like to hear from members who would be interested in either hosting or attending such an event in your area. Topics covered in the 2009-10 series included:  
  • An overview of the outstanding resources at the CGS Library and information about upcoming events. 
  • Small group discussions of special interest genealogy topics.  
  • A talk by CGS Member Lavinia Schwarz titled “Some Brick Walls Are of Our Own Making” – a spell-binding talk that helped attendees look at their own brick walls with new openness, ideas, strategies and historical insight.
This series is tentatively being planned for Spring of 2017. If you are interested, please contact Chris Pattillo or Jane Lindsey

Photos by Jane Lindsey

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