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28 May 2021

Online genealogy, week of May 31-June 6

Wishing you all a good Memorial Day weekend. Here is our weekly roundup of upcoming genealogy events. Numerous associations offer online genealogy classes every week. Most are free. To register for one of the events below, click on the name of the host organization. 


Conferences and Workshops 

June 4-12Jamboree 2021 (Genealogy Jamboree)

June 5:  "Getting the Lay of the Land: Using American Land Deeds in Your Family History Research " (American Ancestors)

June 5: 2021 eConference (Pastfinders Genealogical Society)

June 5: Genealogy Research Virtual Conference (Family History Fanatics)


CGS Events

June 2: "Strategic Searching on FindMyPast" by Jen Baldwin. (First in a weekly series about how to use some of the biggest genealogy websites.)

June 5: "First Saturdays Free Intro to Genealogy." This month: "Using the Census."

June 5: Family Tree Maker Special Interest Group

American Ancestors
June 3: “Boston's Oldest Buildings and Where to Find Them" by Joseph Bagley

BYU Family History Library

June 2: “The 50 Things You Need to Know About DNA” with James Baker

June 6: "Discovering Your Ancestors in Mexico" by James Tanner


Family Search Family History Library

June 1: “The Research Process, Research Help, and Searching Records on FamilySearch”

June 3: "Forgotten Wives, Mothers, and Old Maids: Tracing Women in U.S. Research"

Legacy Family Tree
June 1 & 2
: “Ngā aho tāne o Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa: Revitalising Connections across the Pacific with Big Y” by Elena Fowler
June 2
: “Solving Family Mysteries with mtDNA Projects” by Mags Gaulden

June 4: “African Americans in the U.S. Revolutionary War” by Janice Lovelace

Other Listings

Sutro Library's Bay Area Genealogy Calendar
lists a wealth of Bay Area events and exhibits, including regular genealogical group meetings. This week's highlights:

June 1: “A Journey of Discovery: Researching the History of Your House, 1408 Broadway: A Case Study” by Joe Michalak (Genealogical Society of Santa Cruz County)

June 4: “Free First Fridays” for kids and adults (San Mateo County History Museum)

June 5: “DNA Genealogy: A Personal Narrative” with (San Francisco African American and Cultural Society)

June 5: “Women’s Suffrage Warriors: Women Win the Vote in 1920” by Beverly Lane (Solano County Genealogical Society)


Conference Keeper  has a large calendar of classes (too many to list) hosted by genealogical organizations around the country and abroad. Lots to explore, and new events are added often, so be sure to browse the entire calendar. Here's just a sampling of the coming week's offerings:


May 31: “Family Records of The Great War 1914–1918” by James Tanner (My Heritage)

June 1: “From Here to There: Researching Office of Indian Affairs Employees” (National Archives)

June 2: “Bounty Lands” (Pinellas FL Genealogy Society)

June 3: “City Directories: No Town Too Small, No Clue Too Little “(Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society)

June 4: “Publishing Your Genealogy for Amateurs” (New Jersey State Library)

June 5: “Digging into Cemeteries: Disease, Death, and Obituaries” (Westminster CO Public Library)

June 6: “A Taste of Jewish Genealogy as a Gateway to the Civilization of Polish Jewry” (Santa Cruz Jewish Genealogy Society)


See our post "Genealogy Learning in the Time of Coronavirus" for links to classes archived online at Ancestry, FamilySearch, RootsTech, and more. Be well, stay safe, and happy learning!


Copyright © 2021 by California Genealogical Society