California Genealogical Society: Blog

Recent Posts

30 January 2019

Join the Genealogy Saturdays Team!

We have heard you! For so many of our members, “the spirit is willing,” but the logistics are complicated when it comes to volunteering at CGS during the week.

If you fit in that category, CGS has a great opportunity for members who are only available to volunteer on occasional Saturdays – become an Event Assistant!

This is the perfect opportunity for someone who loves attending our Saturday genealogy classes. Let us remind you of the perks – Not only will you get “points in Heaven” (as your mother used to say), but also free Saturday parking (or, an uncrowded BART ride!), cookies, an opportunity to use one of the genealogy subscription programs (free!) on the CGS Library computers, cookies, a chance to meet and chat with other volunteers…and cookies!

What does the job involve?

Arrive an hour before the class/event
·       Assist with classroom setup
·       Distribute handouts
·       Sign in participants
·       Introduce speaker
·       Make announcements
·       Assist with clean up

Top notch training is provided for all Events Assistants jobs!

(We are also looking for a generous volunteer who would prefer to volunteer/work from home, overseeing the online class registration program.)

Contact Kathleen Beitiks or Jane Lindsey for details or questions.

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