California Genealogical Society: Blog

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09 May 2008

Workshop: Scandinavian Research - June 14, 2008

When: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Where: CGS Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland

The second in a series of CGS Research Workshops will focus on ancestors from Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

Please join our specialists: Laura Spurrier (Danish), Pat Smith (Swedish) and Gloria Hanson (Norwegian) as they examine Scandinavian research. Topics will include: border changes, census, church books and immigration information - where immigrants settled in the U.S. - and more. Handouts will be provided.

The workshop day will include a panel discussion, lunch break and informal work session so attendees can share ideas, do some computer research and consult one-on-one with Gloria, Pat and Laura. Members are encouraged to bring laptop computers; the six CGS computers may not all be available for the program.

Reservations are required; no walk-ins will be permitted. The workshop is free for CGS members but is limited to 15 people. There will be a sign-up fee of $10 for non-members. (The fee can be applied toward membership on the day of the workshop.) There is a sign-up sheet at the CGS Library desk. Please call (510) 663-1358 to reserve a space.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn new strategies and meet other members with similar research interests.